Who We Are

Welcome to the LanCo Whole Health Group Blog! We started as a few employees at CNH interested in learning more about nutrition and general well-being. Since our first meeting in January of 2011 our membership has increasingly grown within our local company offices as well as to a number of friends and family outside of our area. We invite you to become a member as well!

For everyone else, check in often! A weekly email blast is created and sent to our members with Nutrition News, Tips, Workouts, Inspiration, Ideas, and more.

Disclaimer: We are in no way, shape, form, or manner officially associated, branded, supported, or encouraged by CNH America, LLC or any of its' various corporate attachments. We're a group of people dedicated to seeking better health - and we want you to join our family.

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30 March 2011

Nutrition - 30 March 2011 - Reasons NOT to eat Paleo? And a guest post!

Good Morning, Team!

Today is a travel day for me. Leaving 40 degree (for the high!) PA for 80 degree Arizona. Bright sun forecasted for the next…month! Yes, I'm excited. And okay, okay – yes, I'm bragging. But know that while you are wiling away dutifully in your gardens this weekend I will be performing work tasks that will most likely have me swearing rather than smiling. So enjoy and place a plant for me!

No other musings from me today as I move aside to let Bonnie continue her gardening posts. Before class begins however – how about a little Paleo humor?
10 Reasons NOT to eat Paleo<http://theurbancave.blogspot.com/2011/03/10-reasons-not-to-eat-paleo.html>
Eating Paleo really isn't all it's cracked up to be. Here are 10 reasons NOT to eat paleo:
1. You're significant other can't keep their hands off your butt.
2. It's near impossible to hit on Dr. Sexypants because you're never sick anymore.
3. You're Mom will say "you're too skinny" every time she sees you.
4. The internal debate whether it's more ethical to give away your toaster, or simply just throw it in the trash feels impossible to resolve. Why waste a perfectly good appliance? Then again, why enable someone else's bad habits? Ugh! What to do?
5. You have too much energy for sitting and watching your brand new flat screen.
6. You're spice rack isn't big enough, and will overflow with new spices.
7. It seems like everyone on Craigslist is seeking a BBW!
8. Now when you drink coffee you feel like you can take on a bus (not safe).
9. Your subscription to Women's Health Magazine feels like a waste of money.
10. You will have to buy all new clothes and will likely have to cut extra holes in your belts.
He he he…

Workout of the Day:
Warm-up: 2 rounds of 15, Jumping Jacks, Shoulder Mobility, Push-ups, Walking Lunge, Samson Stretch, Squat
Work-out: 3 rounds for time of Run 800 meters, 25 Dips, 100 Bicycle Crunches

"An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity." – Martin Luther King, Jr.

To Fun. And Sun!

Good Day Loyal Listeners (or should I say readers)!

By now you have started picking out containers, drawn plans for square foot gardens, decided on desirable veggies, and mapped out all garden centers in a 20 mile radius, right?!? Good! Now that you have an idea for what you want to grow let's review how to start the little guys!

There are two main ways to start plants in your garden.

1. Buy live plants from your garden center. They are sold in little pack that hold about 4-6 cells, each cell holding one plant. If you are only planning on growing a few plants of a certain variety, I suggest going this route.
2. Plant seeds in seed trays or directly into the garden. Seed packets are sold darn near everywhere these days, from garden centers to supermarkets to pharmacies. If you plan on growing quite a few plants of a certain variety, this is definitely the most cost effective, and fun, way to go! Bonus- whatever seeds you don't use this year, store and use next year!
Buying live plants is pretty straight forward. Head on down to the store, pick a few varieties that sound tasty, and plant in your garden AFTER threat of frost, preferably when soil temperature is consistently above 60°. Remove the plant from the cell and plant with the soil level to the ground. Water immediately. Watch them grow!

Planting seeds requires a tid bit more planning. First, decide if you are going to start the seeds indoors or direct sow (aka plant right into the ground in the garden). If you start indoors, the seed packet will tell you when to plant; usually 4-6 weeks before last threat of frost. If you are going to direct sow, again directions will be on the packet for planting time, depth, and spacing.

I am going to assume that everyone can read a seed packet and follow instructions for direct sow, so let's focus on starting seeds indoors.
Plant tray with lid
Planting cells (optional)
Seed starting soil (important! Not just regular potting or garden soil)
Watering can with rosette
Seeds (duh!)
UV light if 6-8 hours sunlight is not available


1. Fill tray to top with seed starting soil. This is where you'd use the cells if you'd like. They are not necessary, but they do make transplanting a bit easier. Both tray and cells can be purchased at garden centers.
2. Level the soil and uniformly compress the soil gently.
3. Water the tray with the watering can, sweeping the can across the tray 4-5 times.
4. Plant 1-3 seeds every one to two inches. As a general rule, for bigger seeds plant one per two inch and for super small seeds plant 3 every inch.
5. Cover the seeds with soil at the depth stated on the seed packet.
6. Press the soil down again for good seed to soil contact. Be careful not to pack the soil, but gently compress.
7. Water in a sweeping motion 1-2 times. Don't soak as you don't want to drown the seeds.
8. **It is a good idea to label your tray! Write down the variety, date planted, quantity planted, and expected transplant date.
9. Cover tray with lid and place in a warm area.
10. Keep an eye on the tray until seeds start to sprout, 5-14 days. Because you have a lid on the tray it will act like a greenhouse and condensation will keep it wet. However, check to make sure soil hasn't dried out.
11. Remove lid and move under UV light or into direct sunlight for a minimum of 6 hours. Up to 12 hours is preferable. Keep soil moist, but not soaked.
12. Once most plants are 2-3 inches tall they will be ready for transplanting into your garden!

To yet again stress this point, never fear going to your garden center for help and advice! They really are the best people for the job, and always happy to help.

To Pleasant Plantings,

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