Who We Are

Welcome to the LanCo Whole Health Group Blog! We started as a few employees at CNH interested in learning more about nutrition and general well-being. Since our first meeting in January of 2011 our membership has increasingly grown within our local company offices as well as to a number of friends and family outside of our area. We invite you to become a member as well!

For everyone else, check in often! A weekly email blast is created and sent to our members with Nutrition News, Tips, Workouts, Inspiration, Ideas, and more.

Disclaimer: We are in no way, shape, form, or manner officially associated, branded, supported, or encouraged by CNH America, LLC or any of its' various corporate attachments. We're a group of people dedicated to seeking better health - and we want you to join our family.

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22 March 2011

Nutrition - 22 March 2011 - Case Study

Good Morning, Team!


Welcome to Tuesday – the furthest away from another Monday you can get! J


Before I get started on our special posting for today I wanted to send out a few reminders. It is easy to fall out of good habits – as we have all done over the years – and we want to ensure that we pick them back up as soon as possible so they can become habit again.

Being active for one. Every day you should be striving to be active at no less than a moderate level for 30 minutes. This is as easy as a brisk walk – 5 minutes every hour that you are working gives you 40 minutes a day! Plus it will put steps on your pedometer for the CNH Walk This Way contest. (You did sign up, right? I got my monitor at 1 PM yesterday and logged 6200 steps by the evening)

                Getting enough sleep. Your evenings should consist of low level lighting, light activity, and a gradual wind-down in the last 45 mins to one hour before bed. Be sure to head off to sleep at a consistent time each night and keep your room completely dark (charge your cell phones in another room) as well as cool. Try to get used to waking up without an alarm clock – and if you wake in the middle of the night, get up, walk around your rooms, then head back off to sleep – it is a completely normal part of your sleep cycle.

                Eating well. This is one with a lot of implication as you all know. Be sure to continue to log your food. Eat lean meats, vegetables, some fruit, nuts/seeds/oils, little starch, and no sugar. Continue to follow the tips and tricks we have addressed in our class. Today we begin our a case study in which we will all travel along the journey of one person who is choosing to take control of her nutrition with our help. Much of this will be a review, however we may address something that has fallen off your radar over the past few weeks. Without further ado:


Case Study: Jane Doe

                Jane is a young lady who has a sedentary job. Over the past years she has seen a steady increase in weight due to a lack of activity and diet. She has recently increased her activity levels and reported that her weight gain over the past two months has ceased and she is holding steady at her current weight. Jane has no medical history that we are to be concerned with and is otherwise considered healthy. Here are her numbers:

                Height – 62.5 inches

                Weight – 168 pounds

                Wrist – 6 inches

                Waist – 37 inches

                Hips – 40.5 inches (waist to hip ratio of 0.91 – high risk)

This information translates to the following:

                Body Fat – 36%, verified with calipers

                61 pounds of Body Fat

                109 pounds of Lean Body Mass

She will most likely come into homeostasis and a healthy weight between 125 and 135 pounds. We would expect this process to take no less than 18 weeks (5 months) at a loss of 2 pounds per week which is the maximum of healthy sustainable weight loss. To achieve this we will be looking some caloric restriction as well as increased activity. The numbers will look like this:

                Basal Metabolic Rate – 1565 cal/day

                Activity Factor (1.375) need – 2152 cal/day

                Total Daily Caloric Need to lose 2 pounds per week – 1152 cal/day

Jane provided us with her food journal. In it we can see that for the most part she is eating healthy per “conventional wisdom.” I’ve attached it for you to look at. In part we see that she does not generally know how much food she is consuming. And her diet is full of carbohydrates in the form of whole grains. She avoids most fat and there is also a noted amount of eating out at fast-food or other eateries. Here are our beginning recommendations:

                Measure and weigh out your meals – To help you we are prescribing use of the Zone diet proportioning system. You are to eat 11 blocks per day. That’s 3 – 3 block meals and 2 – one block snacks.

                                Eat within one hour of waking. Eat 4-5 hours after a meal or 1-2 hours after a snack. Do not eat one hour before or after a workout.

                Start to replace your grain intake with mixed vegetables and some fruit

                Do not be afraid of fats – add some nuts, oil, or avocado to every meal – they will help you feel full and you’ll be fuller longer.

                Due to where you have added the weight (thighs and hips) you are at high risk for insulin resistance – along with cutting out grains and beans from your diet, also curb your dairy consumption. Full fat unsweetened Greek Yogurt and heavy cream are the only products you should have.

                Continue your work-out schedule. Cut the cardio down to 20 minutes and add in the high-intensity interval workouts that are posted each day here.


That is all for this week! Do you have some tips and recommendations to share with Jane? Click reply all or comment and let us know! I will be posting updates and more recommendations on a weekly or twice-a-week fashion as we continue to support Jane on her journey.


Below is a teaser of a recent success story posted on Marks Daily Apple. It’s very motivating and presents how quickly drastic changes can take place!


Workout of the Day:

Warm-up – 2 rounds of 15, Jumping Jacks, Shoulder Mobility, Push-ups, Samson Stretch, Squat 

Workout -   As many rounds as possible in 15 minutes (AMRAP 15) of – 10 Burpees, 10 Side Lunges, 10 sec squat (holding at the bottom for 10 seconds)


Meeting today! I look forward to seeing you all there!


To Change – and Good Fortune.



What 5 Weeks of Living Primal Looks Like

real life stories stories 1 2It’s Friday, which means success story time. Today it is my pleasure to share Dorene’s story. She went Primal on January 1st, not long ago, but as you’ll see from her pictures, sometimes five weeks is all that’s needed to see change.

If you have your own Primal Blueprint success story and you’d like to share it with me and the MDA community please feel free to contact me here. Have a wonderful Friday, everyone, and thanks for reading!

Wowzers, my body is changing!!! I’ve done the low carb thing for 10 years on and off but not the Primal way…

The first time I did Atkins, I lost 20 lbs. Like I was on crack.

Keep reading…


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