Hello, All!
Happy Monday to you! If you’ve got a case of the Monday’s I’ve got the cure for you. Take a few moments today on your lunch hour to get outside (yes, it’s chilly) and log a couple thousand brisk steps for your Walk the Way challenge. The activity, crisp clean air, and the bright noonday sun will most certainly give the rest of your day a much needed boost! Give it a try and let us know how you feel.
A super huge THANK YOU to everyone who came last Friday for the meeting. While I was a bit saddened by the priority that work took over our time together I was touched and cheered by the words and generosity of those who came by. I look forward to continuing to support your journey’s from afar so please continue to send in your thoughts, comments, and questions!
Workout of the Day:
Warm-up: 2 rounds of 15, Jumping Jacks, Shoulder Mobility, Samson Stretch, Push-ups, Walking Lunge, Squat
Work-out: 3 rounds for time of: 50 sit-ups, 25 burpees, 250 meter run
For the run, do 1 minute if you cannot estimate distance (running in place is okay too). Remember – a burpee is a fluid movement to the ground and back to your feet, explosively jump and clap your hands above your head. It is not a rep if your feet don’t leave the ground… Be honest with yourself.
Recipe of the Day: Remember, you can always find a new recipe every day (weekends too!) on our website at cnhnutrition.blogspot.com. If that’s not enough for you… How do you make meatloaf better? Wrap it in Bacon! Venison Meatloaf Wrapped in Bacon – with a side of goal setting. Courtesy of The Naked Kitchen.
“Don’t wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles and less than perfect conditions. So what. Get started now. With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more confident and more and more successful” – Mark Victor Hansen
This quote comes to mind after reading the following letter sent to the athletes of CFC this morning. Today it becomes our Nutrition Tip of the Day (Find Your Reason) and I’m sharing with it with you here. It motivates me! How does it make you feel?
To all CrossFitters who have thrown it down in our box; To all those who just "get it":
This is an open letter to all of you. Some of you I see every day. I know for some, we have not had much communication. Yet, I do know each and every one of you personally, and have seen you push yourself very hard in a single day, and over the course of a month, year, and more. So, take this as a billboard sign that reminds you of those things you really wanted for yourself, but never wrote them down, or told somebody, or maybe didn't even act on....yet.
Remember thinking how cool it would be if you could do that gymnastic move you saw on TV? Run that race they always have downtown? Play with your kids the way they play? Just to feel healthy and fit? Try a new sport each month?
I write this to spark up that ONE REASON and sharpen the point of your motivation. There are millions of excuses that sweep us away from accomplishments. Some of these are legit responsibilities. Some excuses use responsibilities as excuses. They're responsibilities, not excuses. So, we have to work around them, not against them. Get rid of the excuses, not the good things. Personally, I sometimes wonder if I traded my life to be a cow. I follow the same paths, do the same routines, and get the same results. It's maddening!! Who's in charge here?!
My #1 excuse is, "I'm too tired." Yep. How did I get that way? What do I need in order to take a step forward toward my goals? Sleep? Do it. Then take a step!
You may need to argue with yourself. It's guaranteed, you will need to dig deep, stay committed, and make sacrifices. What you gain is an ever-broadening quality of life. What you lose went away with all the excuses.
With all the excuses to not think about goals, and worse, to not act on them, WE ONLY NEED ONE REASON TO TAKE A STEP TOWARD OUR GOALS. What's that ONE REASON for you? Write it down. Tell your family. Put it on your phone's background. If we let go of that reason, then the excuses will start dulling our focus, and diluting that great satisfaction from each step forward.
I write as one who struggles with motivation just as much as any of you. I own a gym. I'm in good shape. I even have time each day. I can afford decent groceries. I can read. Yet, with all that going for me, I forget my goals, and slowly I lose speed, get distracted by indulgence, and dismiss the need to constantly grow.
Here's the practical:
-Grab a planner/calendar and write down one thing each day you did to accomplish that goal
-Brag about it! Tell people. It's not lame to take a step forward. People will be jealous.
-Stop saying "CAN'T", or any other negative comment to yourself...and others.
CrossFit Collective is a place to meet people, like myself, who are completely ordinary, but with the help of fun accountability, are capable of the extraordinary! Here's the Mirror. Take a good look past the body, into the recesses of inner drive. What do you want to accomplish this coming month? This year? Let's both go after it. Let's go after it, 5 or 10 of us at a time! Let's groan, shout, and sweat until we stop embracing excuses.
Your comments, chides, reasons, and goals are desired and most appreciated!!
To Taking That Step Up,
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