Who We Are

Welcome to the LanCo Whole Health Group Blog! We started as a few employees at CNH interested in learning more about nutrition and general well-being. Since our first meeting in January of 2011 our membership has increasingly grown within our local company offices as well as to a number of friends and family outside of our area. We invite you to become a member as well!

For everyone else, check in often! A weekly email blast is created and sent to our members with Nutrition News, Tips, Workouts, Inspiration, Ideas, and more.

Disclaimer: We are in no way, shape, form, or manner officially associated, branded, supported, or encouraged by CNH America, LLC or any of its' various corporate attachments. We're a group of people dedicated to seeking better health - and we want you to join our family.

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21 February 2011

Nutrition - 21 Feb 2011 - Tips and Inspiration

Happy Monday, Crew!

What an interesting surprise to head out for work this morning to find the Jeep covered in snow. I had spent the weekend in shorts! Ah, the changing of the seasons…

What seasons of change are you working through? Have you recently backslid or decided to cut out one more thing you had not quite given up? How many of you have convinced your family to just give it a try? "Really – it's not cardboard." Funny how when you say to someone that you don't eat grains and they immediately assume that all of your food now has no taste…I always ask them what bread and pasta tastes like. Exactly – the sauce it was cooked in. Hmm.

Below is a link to Paleo Pepper's story. She converted from Vegetarianism to Paleo back in March. Lives without a kitchen (yes, it's possible – I've done it for 3.5 years). And puts an interesting spin on just about everything she has written. Like the story of Unconquerable Dave, it is inspirational of its' own accord.

I'm not attaching the class notes from the grain class today. Only two people were able to attend so I plan on re-teaching the class tomorrow or Friday.

Let's get those numbers turned in! I'll be updating your charts and looking forward to celebrating your success with you.

Nutrition Tip of the Day: Plan out your meals. Yes, we've talked about it before. Pre-planning your week does a lot for you. First, it becomes a fun family activity as everyone pours through websites and cookbooks to come up with something they'd like to try. Second, it cuts down on excess spending (time and money) at the grocery as you will have a list that can easily be used to get what you need only. Walking aimlessly through the store increases spending by 28%! (okay, I made up that number but I know for sure that is a low number when I go shopping without a plan) Remember, you'll be sticking to the outside of the store so if you need shampoo or paper products (the only reason to go into the aisles) make sure to put them on the list. Third, it will easily de-stress meal times. You'll know what to make, what you need, and how to make it. Here is how one healthy family does it – the Primal Kitchen: A Family Grokumentary. Scroll down to the post on 15 February 2011.

Meeting tomorrow. Same bat-time, Same bat-place! See you then!


My Paleo Journey

Perhaps a good way to start out with my blog is to share my past. This should demonstrate why Paleo eating and living is so important to me. And perhaps, if you're new to all of this, it will convince you to give it a shot, too. That would be wonderful. I'd be happy to help you get started.

And finally, please, as always, take everything I have to say with a NorCal ™ margarita full of salt. I try my best to be fair and to make sense of life. But that's a giant challenge we all struggle with, so use your judgment as best you can.


My story began in adolescence. I was…not quite fit. Perhaps 30 pounds overweight. Cute enough. Clean enough. Happy enough. And certainly productive enough. But I loathed myself. I loathed my body, and I loathed it even more because I should have been able to control it, but I couldn't. What I lacked, I thought, was willpower. I ate as healthfully as absolutely possible (with the occasional binge thrown in) but it didn't make a difference. Special K cereal in the morning with skim milk, grapes and yogurt and a bagel for lunch, and salad or pasta for dinner. Seemed like a good idea at the time. But I was always grazing, never satisfied, and perpetually deprived. I hated myself for eating that much. Clearly, I lacked the control necessary to be truly beautiful.

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