Happy February! A beautiful spring day has graced us early. I hope that you took full advantage and headed outside to soak in the Vitamin D, fresh air, and break into a spontaneous sprint session! We had a big day at the collective hunting down new personal bests in the clean and rocking a 6 minute lung and arm burner. Great programming, JW!
To recover from a hard workout – or to fuel for the day, we need to supply our bodies with good quality protein, nutrient-dense vegetables, and energy-rich fats. With our breakfast theme started yesterday, Miss Stacey of The Gluten-Free Glutton, graciously provides us with a simple Crust-less Quiche that is simple to prepare, easier to cook, delicious, and is a great grab and go.
Basic Crustless Quiche
I combined recipes from Primal Blueprint (Sisson) and an oldie but a goodie, The Joy of Cooking (Rombauer, Becker, and Becker), taking some ideas from each (if you think you need to toss all your traditional cookbooks just because you’ve changed your way of eating, think again!). Quiche, especially made crustless, is a VERY forgiving and easy dish to make even though it sounds fancy shmancy. It's also delicious and versatile, and pretty darn good cold if you don't have an extra minute to heat it up in the morning. Just grab and go!
I have included ingredient options. Feel free to experiment with your own ideas, just be sure that the egg:liquid ratio remains in favor of the eggs so it all stays together and cooks through. Sausage, bacon, and other raw meats need to be fully cooked before adding to the quiche. In general, it's good to pre-cook firmer fruits/vegetables when you're adding the to your quiche creation.
· 4-6 eggs - however many you have to use will do!
· 1/2 - 1 1/2 cups of coconut milk (FULL fat) or heavy cream - adjust quantity of cream based on quantity of eggs. If you're a little short on the liquid though, no big deal.
· 1/4 - 1/2 teaspoon salt
· 1/4 teaspoon pepper
· 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
· 1/4 - 1/2 cup grated cheese of choice (totally optional)
· Butter, oil, shortening or lard for greasing the pan
Optional add-ins and their preparation:
2-4 cups broccoli florets: Drop in boiling water for 3-4 minutes, until emerald green, then remove and drain. Add to egg mixture last.
3-6 strips of bacon: Cut into 1/2 inch squares and cook in skillet until starting to crisp. Remove to a plate (don't worry about a paper towel - some added bacon grease in the quiche is tasty!). Place in prepared dish and pour egg mixture over bacon.
Green pepper & kale: Chop pepper into small dice and sauté in olive oil or F.O.C. until just beginning to get tender, then add finely chopped kale and cook both together until kale has wilted. Add a bit of salt or basil if you like. Remove to a plate. Add to egg mixture last.
· Preheat oven to 400.
· Grease a 9 or 10" round pie pan or other round pan, or a square pan of similar size.
· Whisk together the eggs, coconut milk or cream, nutmeg, salt, and pepper.
· Stir in any other add ins.
· Pour into prepared baking dish and bake 20-25 minutes or until set in middle.
· Enjoy!
That last bullet is the most important. Give this one a go and share with us your thoughts!
To ever achieving more. And nourishing our body.
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