Ladies and Gentlemen – Welcome to May!
Can you believe that we are so solidly in to the year already? At this pace, we’ll be playing dress-up and running around like ghouls in the night! Fortunately, we’ll all have new, tremendous physiques and energy to do just that!
I would like to send out a big congratulations to so many of you who I continue to hear wonderful news from on the weight-loss front. It appears that you all have a full head of steam and are making no consideration of slowing down or side-tracking in the least. This is awesome to hear. There has also been talk of several who are no longer feeling the aches and pains of previous years and even of medications no longer needed. These are all great successes for you and we are to celebrate each and every one! Always remember – this isn’t difficult. It’s the most natural eating method in the world, combined with the most basic movements and it produces powerful, lean, healthy individuals with little or no excessive effort.
Let’s review for a moment: Lean meats, veggies, some fruit (1-2 servings a day, max), good fats/oils, nuts, seeds, little starch, and no added sugar. Have one open meal a week. Skip one meal a week. Eat like a king at breakfast, a queen at lunch, and a pauper at supper (always eat your protein heavy meal at supper – leave the carbs for lunch if possible). Have red wine and dark chocolate. Walk long distances. Perform your workouts like a lion is chasing you down. Rest often. Sleep as needed (nap!). Learn new sports. Always cultivate and cherish meaningful relationships. Take a look back and record monthly, in your journal, your accomplishments and celebrate – then move on.
For those of you who have caught the competition bug – there are a lot of cool events coming to the area such as mud runs, triathlons, ultra-runs, century bike rides, charity walks, etc… If you need resources or want to get a team together, email me and I’ll forward some great links to you!
Mary, Mary quite contrary; How does your garden grow? (Okay, so the actual meaning of the poem – a KIDS poem nonetheless – is a little disturbing; but I am hunting to hear how your gardens are growing! If you have pictures send some over and we’ll share with the group!)
There were lots of great links to follow on last week’s Paleo Round-up. Here is the link to check it out!
Belly fat--not BMI--is a killer for patients with clogged arteries – LA Times, 2 May 2011 ßThey’re finally getting it.
And below is this week’s workouts. Have fun! I’ll be doing them as well – see if you can compete with my times!
To giving it your all. All getting more!
Monday Offsite WOD
Today's WOD:
Burpee tuck jump (each burpee ends going into a tuck jump)
Diamond Push-ups
21-15-9 reps for time.
Warm-up: (2 rounds of 15 reps)
Jumping Jacks
Shoulder Stretch/Mobility
Pushups 5 reps
Samson Stretch (hold 10 sec. ea. leg)
Squat (hold at bottom on rep #15 for 10 seconds)
Today's Quote: To say that obesity is caused by merely consuming too many calories is like saying that the only cause of the American Revolution was the Boston Tea Party. Adelle Davis
Weighted Option: none today
Tuesday Offsite WOD
Today's WOD:
40 Mountain Climbers (alternate count-20 ea. leg)
16 Sit-ups
6 Squat Jumps
12 Minute AMRAP (as many rounds as possible)
Warm-up: (2 rounds of 15 reps)
Jumping Jacks
Shoulder Stretch/Mobility
Pushups 5 reps
Samson Stretch (hold 10 sec. ea. leg)
Squat (hold at bottom on rep #15 for 10 seconds)
Today's Quote: "The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand."
Vince Lombardi
Weighted Option: none today
Wednesday Offsite WOD
Today's WOD:
Run 10minutes
Diamond Push-ups 5 minutes
Leg Lifts 3 minutes
For total distance and reps
*if you have access to a pull-up bar; do pull-ups instead of push-ups - you choice type.
Warm-up: (2 rounds of 15 reps)
Jumping Jacks
Shoulder Stretch/Mobility
Pushups 5 reps
Samson Stretch (hold 10 sec. ea. leg)
Squat (hold at bottom on rep #15 for 10 seconds)
Today's Quote: All labor that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Weighted Option: none today
Thursday Offsite WOD
Today's WOD:
25 Steps Walking Lunge (back knee gently touches ground, torso upright, front knee behind toe)
25 Squat (below parallel, chest up, weight in heels)
10 Clapping Push-ups (just push off ground if you cannot get clap)
5 rounds for time.
Warm-up: (2 rounds of 15 reps)
Jumping Jacks
Shoulder Stretch/Mobility
Pushups 5 reps
Samson Stretch (hold 10 sec. ea. leg)
Squat (hold at bottom on rep #15 for 10 seconds)
Today's Quote: 3 "P's" of Performance=Persistence-Patience-Purpose
Weighted Option: Lunges & Squats: hold light-med. weight in hands. Keep reps same for challenge.
Friday Offsite WOD
Today's WOD:
Run 1 Mile
40 Dips (use one or two sturdy and stable chairs or bench) Dip deep-full range of motion. Keep legs straight & back close to bench. Elevate feet for added challenge. Use rings or dip station if available
Run 1 Mile
40 V (Jackknife)-Sit-ups (lying on back, bring fingertips to toes rising at the same time)
Warm-up: (2 rounds of 15 reps)
Jumping Jacks
Shoulder Stretch/Mobility
Pushups 5 reps
Samson Stretch (hold 10 sec. ea. leg)
Squat (hold at bottom on rep #15 for 10 seconds)
Today's Quote:
“To be persuasive we must be believable; to be believable we must be credible; to be credible we must be truthful.” |
Weighted Option: dips: hold weight on lap. keep reps the same for added challenge
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